Talent Acquisition in a post Covid world

Written by Simon Benford-Blows

Talent acquisition has been dramatically shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic and some of the challenges that have arisen at the start seems like a distant memory. How we now move forward and embrace the changes of an ever-progressive industry will separate companies and their hiring strategies.


Hiring talent post-COVID is more important now than ever, we are seeing skill shortages across multiple sectors meaning that good talent is getting harder to find. Internal talent acquisition is the top priority for companies in a post COVID world and companies bolstering their internal talent teams is of the utmost importance.


Hiring talent via remote interviewing platforms such as Microsoft teams or Zoom has seen an unprecedented level of success in the past 12 months. The remote interview has enabled companies the ability to hire vital heads to areas they desperately need. The remote interview has worked over the COVID pandemic so we should anticipate that this trend will continue as it saves on time, resources and personal costs for potential candidates.


Skills testing has always been something that has shaped who will be hired and long may it continue, this enables employers to set a task for an individual and assess whether they have the required aptitude for the work. A candidate can do this in their own time under their own steam, this will also differentiate which candidates are serious and which ones are not.


Alongside the remote interview proving extremely successful also candidate’s verification and compliance has seen a dramatic transformation. Not only the technology has come on leaps and bounds but you can pay for external companies to provide authentication for very little cost.


Remote working is something to bear in mind if you are going to attract talent in 2021. Companies that embrace a more flexible working pattern will attract a greater pool of candidates. Candidates have now had a taste of working from home over the past 12 months and companies who want to remain competitive in an already tough market will need to keep with the times to stay ahead of their competitors. 50 of the top tech companies have embraced the hybrid way of working as they have seen that working from home has worked during the pandemic.

How we can help

Pertemps Managed Solutions have been supporting our clients during the pandemic and have provided our services seamlessly across the UK. If you are looking for experts to support your business, Pertemps have a roster of tried and tested candidates that can add value to your organisation. Contact us today for a confidential chat about how we can support and add value to your business.

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